Client Authentication Key Agreement
Islam SH, Biswas GP (2014) Remote remote authentication scheme based on dynamic ID with a smart card with cryptography of elliptical curves. J Electron 31 (5): 473-488 Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) is a security protocol used on 3G networks. AKA is also used for the unique password compilation mechanism for Digest access authentication. AKA is a challenge-based mechanism that uses symmetrical cryptography. If a doctor wants to read the patient`s data, he sends a request to the patient. The patient transmits this request to the gateway with his own credentials. The gateway checks to see if the patient and the doctor are legitimate, and if one of them is not considered legitimate, the system is interrupted. It is only when they are all legitimate that the gateway sends the authentication result to the patient. Once the patient has been aware of the doctor`s legitimacy, he also sends the authentication result to the doctor.
Based on the result of authentication, the patient and doctor can create a common key that is used to encrypt confidential information sent between them. Hou H, Ji X, Liu G (2008) A new ECC-based access authentication system for the 3G Wi-Fi interworking network. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, s. 1237-1241 Chen CL, Lee CC, Hsu CY (2012) Integration of a biometric remote fingerprint authentication scheme for mobile phones. Int J Commun Syst 25 (5):585-597 Ammayappan K, Saxena A, Negi A (2006) Mutual authentication and key agreement based on elliptical curve cryptography for the GSM. In: International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, S. 183-186 Chien HY (2017) Elliptical cryptography curves of RFID authentication that resists active tracking. Wirel Pers Common 94:2925-2936 Odelu V, Kumar A, Kumari S et al (2017) It is proven that the authenticated key agreement system for distributed mobile cloud computing services is secure.
Future Gener Comput Syst 68:74-88. Xie Q, Dong N, Wong DS, Hu B (2016) Cryptanalysis and improved security of a robust two-factor authentication protocol and a key MOUs. Int J Commun Syst 29 (3):478-487 After passing the check, the user prepares for the authentication process. SC calculates usage in the connection phase. selects a random number and gets the time stamp. Then calculates the following data: In the authentication process, the patient and the doctor must send their identities and some other related information to the gateway. It is important to ensure that the identity of the patient has not been disclosed. Of course, a patient is generally not willing to leak his identity information, because if the patient`s identity is disclosed, the patient`s medical history and status will be freely available to everyone in the system, regardless of the patient`s requests. Wu F, Xu L, Kumari S, Li X (2015) A biometric and reliable three-factor remote authentication system for mobile client server networks.
Comput Electr Eng 45:274-285 Reddy AG, Yoon EJ, L`AK et al (2017) Project of a mutually authenticated key MOP, resistant to identity attacks for multi-server environments. IEEE Access 5:3622-3639 The first successful methods for the key agreement over password were methods of exchanging encrypted keys, described in 1992 by Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt. Although some of the early methods were flawed, the retained and expanded forms of EKE effectively reinforce a common password in a shared key, which can then be used for encrypting and/or authenticating messages.